A Diagnostic Odyssey
The patient is lying sick in bed
The history we have not read
Nor laid a hand upon his head
Whatever shall we do?
Well, first we’ll order lots of tests.
STAT orders 24 x 7 to give it our best
Start with CBC, CRP, LFT and BMP
An ANA and hepatitis viruses A, B & C
Oh, what the heck, twice daily diffs and CMPs
And if the results don’t quite agree
We’ll blame the lab! Forget the fee!
We’ll start again with fiendish glee
And order them all repeatedly
We’ll culture urine, blood and stool.
Measure a lactate and the microbiome gene pool
Oops! Our patient is looking pale.
Why does he now appear so frail?
Have we made him too anemic?
Time to call blood bank for a hematinic
And if the patient shakes, gasps and cries.
A transfusion reaction workup would be wise
If he survives, then we should plan
To run a total body scan.
The report says there is a small lung mass
Surely, we cannot let that pass.
So, we’ll collect some fluid for cytology
And send more tissue to pathology
Then, to make our diagnosis more secure
A whole genome sequence we’ll procure
Now everyone can be completely sure
That the patient will respond to our million-dollar cure