Clinlab Navigator

Sodium Urine

Dietary intake greatly influences the urinary excretion of sodium. The rate of sodium excretion during the night is only one?fifth of the peak rate during the day, indicating a large diurnal variation. Measurement of urinary sodium is helpful in the differential diagnosis of hyponatremia and hypernatremia.

Urine Sodium Concentration in Patients with Hyponatremia

Fluid Volume

Urinary Sodium




Renal losses due to diuretics, aldosterone deficiency, salt losing nephropathy, osmotic diuresis, ketonuria, RTA


Extra renal losses due to vomiting, diarrhea, third spacing of fluids from burns, pancreatitis, trauma



Cortisol deficiency, hypothyroidism, stress, drugs, SIADH



Acute or chronic renal failure


Nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis, cardiac failure


Urine Sodium Concentration in Patients with Hypernatremia

Fluid Volume

Urinary Sodium




Excess sweating, burns, diarrhea, fistulas


Renal disease, urinary tract obstruction, osmotic or loop diuretics



Diabetes insipidus, hypodipsia, Insensible losses, respiratory, dermal



Primary hyperaldosteronism, Cushing’s syndrome, hypertonic dialysis, hypertonic sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride tablets

Reference range is 43 - 217 mEq/24 hours.

Specimen requirement is a 24 hour urine collection in a container without preservative. Specimen should be refrigerated during an after the collection.

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